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SuiteCRM Extension-Profile Scoring

Variance Infotech has developed Profile Scoring add-ons to help companies group leads and prospects based on their score to give them high importance. Profile Scoring is a systematic method for capturing the attractiveness of potential customers, using attributes such as business size, location, vertical, and brand value. Each attribute has different levels of importance, so assigning weights based on their importance is logical. The profile scoring module displays the score on record as a highlighted star, allowing users to easily identify ratings. Users can customize attributes and values by adding, deleting, and modifying defaults.



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Works on versions 7.0.0 and above

Profile Scoring

Intuitive extension can easily be incorporated with your SuiteCRM to increase productivity.

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Calculate Profile Score
Calculate the profile score and profile rating for records of leads, contacts, accounts, and opportunities modules.
Define Score
Define Score For Individual or Combined Conditions.
Add "AND / OR" operator
Add "AND / OR" conditional operator selection between each condition when Condition type "Combined condition"
Add Or Subtract Score
Add or subtract scores while defining scores for individual conditions.
Profile Rating
Profile rating and score are displayed on a detailed view of the particular record if conditions match.

We improvise our products on regular basis to deliver the best

Current Profile Scoring Version 4.0
Last Update 19th September, 2019
Support SuiteCRM Version 7.0.* to 7.11.*
Database Support MySQL, MSSQL
Compatible Browser IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Chrome
Supported Language English (United States), German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian

1. Calculate Profile Score and Profile Rating For Records Of Leads, Contacts, Accounts and Opportunities modules.

2. Define Score For Individual or Combined Conditions.

3. Add Or Subtract Score while Defining Score For Individual Conditions.

4. Profile Rating and Score are displayed On Detail View of Particular Record if condition matched.

1. Add "AND / OR" conditional operator selection between each condition when Condition type "Combined condition".

2. Fix the Bugs of Datetime combo field.

3. Change tablename of Profile Scoring extension as follows,

- From leadscoring to profile_scroring.

- From leadscoring_condtions to profile_scroring_conditions.

- From leadscoring_rate to profile_scoring_rate.

1. Set Multiple Profile Scoring Configurations for Leads, Contacts, Accounts and Opportunities modules.For example:

Accounts Module:

  • - Individual Condition : Billing City = Newyork : add = 30 and Billing Country = USA : sub = 10
  • - Individual Condition : Name = John Smith : add = 20
  • - Individual Condition : Name = John Smith : add = 20 If two record conditions match so display Profile Score : 40 (Considering Last record Profile Rating Star)

Contact Module :

  • - Individual Condition : Firstname = John : add = 15 and Lastname = Smith : add = 10
  • - Combined Condition : Firstname = John : Score = 20 If two record conditions match so display Profile Score: 45 (Considering Last record Profile Rating Star)

Leads Module :

  • - Combined Condition : OR conditional Operator : Lead Source = Cold Call OR Department = Developer : Score 20

2. Validation if Score 100 above then not allowed to enter.

3. If score is not between min score and max score then do not display star on detailview but score is display.

4. If score of two records 100 above then display 5 star.

Below issue fixed with this release,

1. After installing the newest Version old conditions disappeared.

2. Updating/Installing the Add-On removes custom Fields/Tabs.

3. Individual Condition: If there are two conditions: Only 1 condition is adding or subtracting to the score and not the other one.

Below issue fixed with this release,

1. Only Editview fields display in Condition blocks issue. Now onwards Editview and Detialview both layouts fields displayed in Condition Block.

2. Adding new feature of Duplicate Profile Scoring Record from Listview.

Below issue fixed with this release,

1. Remove validation of first condition must be selected as "ADD" action in Individual Condition Profile Scoring.For example,

  • Record of Profile Scoring
  • Individual Condition
  • Fields Condition -> Name equals to John Smith -> Action is Sub -> Score is 80
  • Fields Condition -> Fax equals to 211 -> Action is add -> Score is 30
if condition is satisfy then score will be (-80+30) -50. So profile Score is 0 because -50 is negative number.

Below issue fixed with this release,

The DetailView of Scoring Record is displayed buggy: https://prnt.sc/kqh9xr

The Condition is not displayed properly and a score can be entered.

"VILicenseBasedProfileScoring-1.6-V7.0.zip" to "VILicenseBasedProfileScoring-1.6-V7.10.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.10 *

1. Profile Scoring support Multi Languages (German,English,Spanish,French,Hungarian,Italian,Dutch,Portuguese,Russian,Ukrainian)

"VIProfileScoring-2.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIProfileScoring-2.0-Version7.10.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.10 *

1. Module selection will be editable in Codition Block with this update

2. Show Related Module in Condition Block means You can able to add condition for related module as well.

3. Email field show in Condition block (For example, In Contact Module SuiteCRM have Email type field and User can able to add multiple email address(Primary and Secondary Email Address) in one field. So with this update we can able to add condition for email field and check if any email match then consider condition as matched))

"VIProfileScoring-3.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIProfileScoring-3.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11 *

Major Release Profile Scoring 4.0 - 19/09/2019

- Profile Scoring extension support in MSSQL as well within this release.2. Show Related Module in Condition Block means You can able to add condition for related module as well.

"VIProfileScoring-4.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIProfileScoring-4.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*.

- Add License Update option in Listview of Profile Scoring Configuration Page.

"VIProfileScoring-5.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIProfileScoring-5.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*.

The Profile Scoring extension helps prioritize customer interactions by calculating profile scores and ratings for each contact. This allows customer-facing teams to focus on high-potential leads and opportunities, ensuring that valuable time is spent on the most promising prospects.
By using Profile Scoring, your team can quickly identify and prioritize key customer profiles. This targeted approach reduces the time spent on less promising leads and helps your team concentrate on high-value interactions, improving overall efficiency and conversion rates.
Profile Scoring calculates scores and ratings based on predefined criteria and values assigned to different attributes of customer profiles. This can include demographic information, past interactions, and other relevant data points that help determine the potential value of each customer.
Yes, Profile Scoring is highly customizable. You can set your own criteria and weightings for different profile attributes, ensuring that the scoring system aligns with your specific business needs and objectives.
Setting up Profile Scoring in SuiteCRM is straightforward. With user-friendly configuration tools and detailed documentation, you can quickly define scoring criteria and start evaluating customer profiles effectively.
Key features include customizable scoring criteria, automatic profile scoring, and visual representation of scores and ratings. These features help address challenges related to lead prioritization, customer segmentation, and efficient resource allocation.
Profile Scoring enhances decision-making by providing clear, data-driven insights into the value of each customer profile. This helps sales and marketing teams make informed decisions about where to focus their efforts, leading to better outcomes and higher ROI.
To mass update profile scores in SuiteCRM, use the bulk update feature provided by the Profile Scoring extension. This allows you to apply changes to multiple profiles at once, ensuring that your scoring system remains up-to-date and accurate.
To update SuiteCRM to include the Profile Scoring extension, follow the installation instructions provided in the documentation. This typically involves downloading the extension, uploading it to your SuiteCRM instance, and configuring the scoring criteria to match your business needs.
Yes, Profile Scoring can help identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities by highlighting high-potential customer profiles. By focusing on these profiles, your team can tailor their approach to meet additional customer needs, thereby increasing revenue potential.


Great product, the plugin does what we need for scoring individual entries in Suitecrm. Their Customer Support is very fast and responds to every issue. Development Team is implementing most of the features that we want in record time.

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Profile scores allow customer-facing teams to prioritize and pay attention to significant (potential) customers.

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