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SuiteCRM Extension-Dynamic Panel

SuiteCRM Dynamic Panels is a powerful Extension for displaying or hiding fields or panels based on the value of another field. Its advanced configuration tools enable clear definition of what should happen when a field value changes. Users can also set specific fields to show for specific contact types or hide them when a lead hasn't been fully qualified yet.



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Works on versions 7.0.0 and above

Dynamic Panel

Intuitive extensions can easily be incorporated with your SuiteCRM to increase productivity.

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Conditional Show/Hide Fields
Hide or Show Fields and Panels for Particular module.
Mandatory Fields
Make Fields Mandatory for Particular module.
Conditional Show/Hide Panels
Fixing the issue of panels and fields hiding when switching between tabs
Read Only Fields
Make Fields Read Only for Particular module.
Auto Populate Fields
Auto Populate Fields for particular module.

We improvise our products on regular basis to deliver the best

Current Dynamic Panel Version 6.0
Last Update 5th November, 2019
Support SuiteCRM Version 7.0.* to 7.11.*
Database Support MySQL, MSSQL
Compatible Browser IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Chrome
Supported Language English (United States), German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian

1.Hide or show fields and panels for a particular module depending on the conditions mentioned in the dynamic panel records of that module.

2. Make fields mandatory for a particular module depending on the conditions mentioned in the dynamic panel records of that module.

3. Make fields read only for a particular module depending on the conditions mentioned in the dynamic panel records of that module.

4. Auto-populate fields for a particular module depending on the conditions mentioned in the dynamic panel records of that module.

Changes the table name of the Dynamic Panels extension as follows:

1. From dynamic_panels to vi_dynamic_panels.

2. From dynamic_panels_condition to vi_dynamic_panels_condition.

3. From dynamic_panels_fields to vi_dynamic_panels_fields

Now you can add multiple records to a single module.

Note: If you will add multiple records for a single module, then Default Panels Hide and Default Fields Hide on Step #1 consider the first records of configuration at the time of adding or updating any record of a particular module.

You can also manage dynamic panels to hide or show depending on user type and their roles. If the login user's type and roles match the configuration of dynamic panels, then only you can see the effect of dynamic panels.

Added new feature of "One Of" type for multipicklist field for any module in Dynamic Panels Plugin's condition block

1. Add "AND / OR" conditional operator selection between each condition.

Dynamic Panels support Multi Languages(German,English,Spanish,French,Hungarian,Italian,Dutch,Portuguese,Russian,Ukrainian)

"VIDynamicPanels-2.2-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-2.2-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11 *

1. Dynamic Panel Support to Quick Create View as Well. In Previous Releases, Only Support Edit View and Detail View.

2. Dynamic Panel Support MSSQL Database as well. In Previous Releases, Only Support MYSQL Database.

"VIDynamicPanels-3.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-3.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11 *

1. Fix issue of MSSQL Create table issue.

"VIDynamicPanels-4.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-4.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11 *

1. Support Multiple Roles for Single Users means if the user has multiple roles and any of them match the dynamic panel configuration, then the rules of hide and show will be triggered.

"VIDynamicPanels-5.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-5.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*. https://prnt.sc/Cjokgi6ZV07w

1. Support the radio enum type field for read-only functionality.

2. Fixing the issue of panel hiding when switching between tabs

3. Fix some issues found in the previous release.

"VIDynamicPanels-6.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-6.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*.

1. Fixing the issue of panels and fields hiding when switching between tabs

"VIDynamicPanels-7.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-7.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*.

1. Fix the issue of the project module not showing fields depending on the condition matched for the detail view.

2. Fix the issue of showing an alert message when opening Detail View.

"VIDynamicPanels-8.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-8.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*.

1. Apply the dynamic panel feature to the project task module.

"VIDynamicPanels-9.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-9.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*

1. Add License Update Option in Listview of Dynamic Panel Configuration.

"VIDynamicPanels-10.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-10.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*

1. Add the Field & Date Value Type option and the Is Not Null Operator in the Condition Block of the Configuration Page.

2. Apply the readonly feature in the detail view of the record.

"VIDynamicPanels-11.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-11.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*.

1. Allow users to set default fields to be read-only, mandatory, and auto-filled up on page load.

2. Allow users to update the field value by using the following options:

- Update the field using a flat value
- Update value from the current module field using functions like string length, string concatenation, date difference, etc.
- Update values from the subpanel module field using functions like SUM, MIN, MAX, and AVG.

"VIDynamicPanels-12.0-Version7.0.zip" to "VIDynamicPanels-12.0-Version7.11.zip" will work on SuiteCRM versions 7.0.* to 7.11.*.

Dynamic Panels allows you to show or hide fields and panels based on the values of other fields. This ensures that users only see relevant information, reducing clutter and improving the overall user experience.
Yes, Dynamic Panels can be configured to set specific fields as mandatory, read-only, or hidden based on user roles. This customization ensures that each user role has an optimized interface tailored to their specific needs.
By dynamically showing or hiding fields based on certain conditions, Dynamic Panels streamlines data entry and management. This reduces the time users spend navigating through irrelevant fields, thereby enhancing workflow efficiency.
Absolutely. Dynamic Panels supports configuration across various modules, allowing you to customize field visibility and behavior according to the specific requirements of each module.
Dynamic Panels offers advanced configuration tools that let you define specific actions based on field values. Whether it's string concatenation, date difference, or mathematical functions, you can set conditions that update field values dynamically.
Key features include the ability to show/hide fields and panels, set fields as mandatory or read-only, and update field values using various functions. These features address pain points related to data clutter, inefficient workflows, and inconsistent data entry.
To use a dynamic panel in SuiteCRM, navigate to the module where you want to implement the panel. Use the Dynamic Panels configuration tools to set conditions for showing or hiding fields based on specific criteria. This helps tailor the module’s interface to your needs.

Dominiek Leenknecht

After an issue with this module (MS SQL compatibility), the team behind Dynamic Panels has communicated in a very quick way and delivered me a plugin that installed and worked perfectly!

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Dynamic Panels extensions in SuiteCRM help to assist management,
system admins, users, etc. in choosing which fields and panels should be displayed,
as well as choosing visible or invisible fields and panels and auto-populating fields.

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